Monday, June 15, 2009

Weigh-In: 2009-06-15

Went to WW this morning and after a few instances of computer malfunction, they were able to get to me and weigh me.

Weigh-in on 06/08/2009: +3.2.
Today's weigh-in: -2.4 pounds. Weight: 293.2 . Total lost: 38.8

I did a ton of walking last week and I can't believe I lost despite all my margarita and tequila take-in. This week, I absolutely have to track and not let my weekends turn into train-wrecks. Friday, I stopped tracking after heading up to the bay area and I ate a lot and started tequila-ing up. Saturday, despite walking a ton around San Francisco, Gretchen took me to some chinese food I really wasn't into. Sunday, I wrote down what I ate, but didn't really pay too much attention. Also, tequila-ing continued and I got nice, trashed, and made no phone calls or angry tweets on the twitter.

Weekends with Iggy are magical

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