Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So seriously, WTF

I'm over two points on my business tonight. This iPhone application is kicking ass though because I always have my phone on me and I can immediately pull it out, start the app, and punch in what I need to punch in and log it. Since iPhone firmware 2.0 came out, backing up the data no longer takes 30 minutes (more like 1.5, tops) and I can log without fear of the firmware crashing and losing a significant amount of data.

What my day looks like so far

Seriously, though, WTF? I get to work, and the MILF I work with is all like, "Why are your clothes loose... you losing weight?" Now, granted that she hasn't been at work for more than 4 days in the last 7 business days, so I kinda took it that she either a) wants to give me the business, or b) is kissing my butt so I don't snitch.

Work has been a lot less stressful in the last few weeks since my stank-breath coworker left. Stress is a trigger for my overeating and this girl totally brought out a lot of unnecessary stress. Me and the sistah I work with chit-chat, gossip, and do a lot of laughing at work. So much so, that I thoroughly enjoy coming to work every day now. I'm not dealing with a younger, Kelly Kapoor (from The Office, and you only need to see the first six seconds of that clip) broad that likes to fuck with me, push my buttons, and have the last word. Seriously, fuck that bish.

What kinda took up a lot of my points today was the Starbucks breakfast I had for dinner, which consisted of a Venti iced drink and a breakfast sandwich. Delish. Seriously. I fucking relished EVERY single damn bite of that thing, telling myself outloud, "Oh my God! THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD! [nom nom nom!]". And I think that they have the best tasting breakfast sandwiches due to the biscuits they use being chewy and not soft.

I started my day off good, though. On advice of Brownie, I have started with the oatmeal and that shit is fucking good at 3 points for two packets plus a half-cup of soy for a 4 point meal. So fucking good. I love food.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I LOVE food too! (nom, nom, nom!)