Saturday, February 14, 2009

Busy Saturday

So today, I'm trying to do the following:
- Laundry
- Study for two hours
- Pack an overnight bag
- Figure out my Points for today
- la la la la la

For it being a Saturday, start of a 3-day weekend, I'm a little overwhelmed... it's okay. Unofficially, I have lost eight pounds since Monday.

I have a reservation for dinner tonight with my lady at this place that's going to cost a lot. It's no bother for me because I love her to pieces.

I'm surprised how well I'm doing with the new Weight Watchers Momentum plan. It's working for me really well. They have this little chart in the booklet that tracks your hunger level (y-axis) and time (y-axis), which means everything I log, I also track the time I do. I have exercised (brisk walking) 3 times this week and I am getting ready to go out in a little bit for my fourth walk. Yesterday was the first time I used my Weekly points, having gone over by three on my Daily points for Friday.

I mapped out my eating for today. I have 32 Weekly points to use for today (and tomorrow) if I need them. I'm just trying to eat light (soup, veggies, coffee, coffee, eggs) up until the feast tonight. I'm not sure whether I want the barbeque chicken or a steak (

Right now, I'm hungry so I am thinking about going to make some eggs, toast an english muffin, get the salsa ready, and make some coffee.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You suck that you get Monday off. Hope your dinner went well last night!