Friday, January 2, 2009


Today is the day I restart everything... again... for (it seems like) the 10th time since I went astray.

But it's okay.

Yesterday, I was checking out this 99 cent app for my iPhone called WeightBot [iTunes] and I decided to play around with it.

In my complacency of checking my weight every day or so, somehow it all went by the wayside. So when I got on the scale, this is the number that I saw:

Today's "weigh in" was a pound less, but still... I'm not freaking out but I am determined to do something about it. [Editor's note: This is not a New Year's resolution... I hate being cliche. ]

So thankfully, I have some Smartones and frozen vegetables in the freezer and nothing too sabotage-y in my fridge right now. Today, Friday, I am going to start counting my POINTS(c) again. I need to get down to 3 hundo because this is fucking lame.

On the positive side, I haven't drank beer in a while, although I got all kinds of crunk for New Year's Eve... So yeah, eating and exercising... we'll see how it goes. So long as I get my eating down, I'll be okay. I am not going to go apeshit and go all out on the exercising - I know it'll burn me out.

I just gotta decide what my first meal is going to be.


Sarah said...

Welcome back!

Alethea said...

I downloaded weightbot a few months ago. It's ok, I prefer weight tracker because it tracks your progress, you can goal set, etc. Just remember to take it one day at a time! =)